Holy Cross Prep Parents Update for January 31, 2025
I would like to start off by thanking all our Lev. 2 Families who attended the “First Reconciliation Meeting” on Jan. 28. A special thank you goes out to our Lev. 7 Students and their Teachers for their great enthusiasm at our Annual Confirmation Spirit Day this past Saturday. Please pay attention to the following information:
* IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES: Please note that our next Community Prep Mass will take place on Feb. 18 at 7 pm in the Church (Prepared and presented by our Lev. 5 Class) / Our next Lev. 3 to Lev. 7 Student Confessions in preparation for Easter will take place on Apr. 8 at 7 pm.
* Please remember to continue to drive with due care and attention in our Parking Lot, as the weather and daylight start to change for the worse. Furthermore, in an effort to enhance “Student Safety”, please make every effort to arrive at Holy Cross on Tuesday Nights by no later than 6:55 pm. Your cooperation is much appreciated & so important in this matter!
* IMPORTANT: Level 7 Parents Confirmation Meeting on March 4th at 7 pm in the Church, for Parents, Lev. 7 Students and Sponsors.
* IMPORTANT: Level 2 Students First Reconciliation will take place on February 27th at 7 pm in the Church. Please note that this Sacrament is required in order to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. (At least one Parent from each Family is expected to attend with the Lev. 2 Child.)
* Communicating Student Learning Reports for your Children were sent home with the Students on Jan. 28, 2025.
* IMPORTANT: Please refer to the HC Prep Program Website on a weekly basis for the most current up dates. The Website will be updated with all relevant Prep Program Information for the upcoming week, on Fridays. ALL WEATHER UPDATES REGARDING POSSIBLE CLOSURES WILL BE POSTED BY TUES. AT 5 PM HERE) (hcprep.ca)
Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday evening,
Dino Alberti
HC Prep Program Administrator