PREP Updates Archive

Holy Cross Prep Parents Update for Feb. 7, 2025

February 6, 2025

I would like to start off by thanking all the Families for their cooperation in the Prep Classes Cancelation last Tuesday. Due to the Holy Cross Elementary School closure during the day and the poor conditions of the roads in the neighbourhood, a decision was made in consultation with the Parish to cancel classes. Going forward, I continue to ask all our Parents to refer to the HC Prep Website ( for Closure Updates or other notifications in the event of poor weather on Tuesdays.  Please pay attention to the following information:

*  IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES: Please note that our next Community Prep Mass will take place on Feb. 18 at 7 pm in the Church (Prepared and presented by our Lev. 5 Class) / Our next Lev. 3 to Lev. 7 Student Confessions in preparation for Easter will take place on Apr. 8 at 7 pm. 

*  Please remember to continue to drive with due care and attention in our Parking Lot, as the weather and daylight start to change for the worse. Furthermore, in an effort to enhance “Student Safety”, please make every effort to arrive at Holy Cross on Tuesday Nights by no later than 6:55 pm. Your cooperation is much appreciated & so important in this matter!

*   IMPORTANT: Level 7 Parents Confirmation Meeting on March 4th at 7 pm in the Church, for Parents, Lev. 7 Students and Sponsors.

*   IMPORTANT: Level 2 Students First Reconciliation will take place on February 27th at 7 pm in the Church. Please note that this Sacrament is required in order to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion.  (At least one Parent from each Family is expected to attend with the Lev. 2 Child.)      

*   Communicating Student Learning Reports for your Children were sent home with the Students on Jan. 28, 2025.

*   IMPORTANT: Please refer to the HC Prep Program Website on a weekly basis for the most current up dates. The Website will be updated with all relevant Prep Program Information for the upcoming week, on Fridays. ALL WEATHER UPDATES REGARDING POSSIBLE CLOSURES WILL BE POSTED BY TUES. AT 5 PM HERE)   (    

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday evening,  

             Dino Alberti

             HC Prep Program Administrator

Holy Cross Prep Parents Update for January 31,  2025

January 31, 2025

I would like to start off by thanking all our Lev. 2 Families who attended the “First Reconciliation Meeting” on Jan. 28. A special thank you goes out to our Lev. 7 Students and their Teachers for their great enthusiasm at our Annual Confirmation Spirit Day this past Saturday. Please pay attention to the following information:

*  IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES: Please note that our next Community Prep Mass will take place on Feb. 18 at 7 pm in the Church (Prepared and presented by our Lev. 5 Class) / Our next Lev. 3 to Lev. 7 Student Confessions in preparation for Easter will take place on Apr. 8 at 7 pm. 

*  Please remember to continue to drive with due care and attention in our Parking Lot, as the weather and daylight start to change for the worse. Furthermore, in an effort to enhance “Student Safety”, please make every effort to arrive at Holy Cross on Tuesday Nights by no later than 6:55 pm. Your cooperation is much appreciated & so important in this matter!

*   IMPORTANT: Level 7 Parents Confirmation Meeting on March 4th at 7 pm in the Church, for Parents, Lev. 7 Students and Sponsors.

*   IMPORTANT: Level 2 Students First Reconciliation will take place on February 27th at 7 pm in the Church. Please note that this Sacrament is required in order to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion.  (At least one Parent from each Family is expected to attend with the Lev. 2 Child.)      

*   Communicating Student Learning Reports for your Children were sent home with the Students on Jan. 28, 2025.

*   IMPORTANT: Please refer to the HC Prep Program Website on a weekly basis for the most current up dates. The Website will be updated with all relevant Prep Program Information for the upcoming week, on Fridays. ALL WEATHER UPDATES REGARDING POSSIBLE CLOSURES WILL BE POSTED BY TUES. AT 5 PM HERE)   (    

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday evening,  

             Dino Alberti

             HC Prep Program Administrator

Holy Cross Prep Parents Update for January 24,  2025

January 24, 2025

I would like to start off by thanking all our families for helping us to get off to a good start in 2025. Please pay attention to the following information:

*  IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES: Please note that our next Community Prep Mass will take place on Feb. 18 at 7 pm in the Church (Prepared and presented by our Lev. 5 Class) / Our next Lev. 3 to Lev. 7 Student Confessions in preparation for Easter will take place on Apr. 8 at 7 pm. 

*  Please remember to continue to drive with due care and attention in our Parking Lot, as the weather and daylight start to change for the worse. Furthermore, in an effort to enhance “Student Safety”, please make every effort to arrive at Holy Cross on Tuesday Nights by no later than 6:55 pm. Your cooperation is much appreciated & so important in this matter!

*   IMPORTANT: Level 7 Spirit Day in the Holy Cross Gym and Church will take place on Saturday, Jan. 25 from 12:15 to 4:15 pm. All Level 7 Students are expected to attend in preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. 

*   IMPORTANT: Level 2 Parents First Reconciliation Meeting as part of the First Communion Program will take place on Jan. 28 in the Church at 7 pm. (At least one Parent from each Family is expected to attend.)      

*   Communicating Student Learning Reports for Term #1 will be sent home with the Students on Jan. 28, 2025.  

*   IMPORTANT: Please refer to the HC Prep Program Website on a weekly basis for the most current up dates. The Website will be updated with all relevant Prep Program Information for the upcoming week, on Fridays. ALL WEATHER UPDATES REGARDING POSSIBLE CLOSURES WILL BE POSTED BY TUES. AT 5 PM HERE)   (    

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday evening,  

             Dino Alberti

             HC Prep Program Administrator

Holy Cross Prep Parents Update for January 17,  2025

January 16, 2025

I would like to start off by wishing all our Prep Families the very best in 2025. Please pay attention to the following information:

*  IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES: Please note that our next Community Prep Mass will take place on Feb. 18 at 7 pm in the Church (Prepared and presented by our Lev. 5 Class) / Our next Lev. 3 to Lev. 7 Student Confessions in preparation for Easter will take place on Apr. 8 at 7 pm. 

*  Please remember to continue to drive with due care and attention in our Parking Lot, as the weather and daylight start to change for the worse. Furthermore, in an effort to enhance “Student Safety”, please make every effort to arrive at Holy Cross on Tuesday Nights by no later than 6:55 pm. Your cooperation is much appreciated & so important in this matter!

*   IMPORTANT: Level 7 Spirit Day in the Holy Cross Gym and Church will take place on Saturday, Jan. 25 from 12:15 to 4:15 pm. All Level 7 Students are expected to attend in preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. (PLEASE READ, SIGN AND RETURN THE REGISTRATION FORM WHICH WENT HOME ON JAN. 14)

*   IMPORTANT: Level 2 Parents First Reconciliation Meeting as part of the First Communion Program will take place on Jan. 28 in the Church at 7 pm. (At least one Parent from each Family is expected to attend.)      

*   Communicating Student Learning Reports for Term #1 will be sent home with the Students on Jan. 28, 2025.  

*   IMPORTANT: Please refer to the HC Prep Program Website on a weekly basis for the most current up dates. The Website will be updated with all relevant Prep Program Information for the upcoming week, on Fridays.  (    

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday evening,  

             Dino Alberti

             HC Prep Program Administrator

Holy Cross Prep Parents Update for January 10,  2025

January 8, 2025

I would like to start off by wishing all our Prep Families a very Happy New Year. I hope you all had a nice Christmas Break and please pay attention to the following information:

*  IMPORTANT: Please note that our next Community Prep Mass will take place on Feb. 18 at 7 pm in the Church (Prepared and presented by our Lev. 5 Class) / Our next Lev. 3 to Lev. 7 Student Confessions in preparation for Easter will take place on Apr. 8 at 7 pm. 

*  Please remember to continue to drive with due care and attention in our Parking Lot, as the weather and daylight start to change for the worse. Furthermore, in an effort to enhance “Student Safety”, please make every effort to arrive at Holy Cross on Tuesday Nights by no later than 6:55 pm. PLEASE REMEMBER TO READ AND SIGN THE GREEN PARKING LOT SAFETY NOTICE WAS SENT HOME PRIOR TO CHRISTMAS, AS IT IS NOW OVERDUE. THANK YOU TO THE MANY FAMILIES WHO HAVE ALREADY DONE SO.

*   IMPORTANT: Level 7 Spirit Day in the Holy Cross Gym and Church will take place on Saturday, Jan. 25 from 12:15 to 4:15 pm. All Level 7 Students are expected to attend in preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. (PLEASE READ, SIGN AND RETURN THE REGISTRATION FORM WHICH WILL GO HOME ON JAN. 14. 

*   IMPORTANT: Level 2 Parents First Reconciliation Meeting as part of the First Communion Program will take place on Jan. 28 in the Church at 7 pm. (At least one Parent from each Family is expected to attend.)      

*   Please note that the HC Prep Classes will resume again on Jan. 14, 2025.

*   Communicating Student Learning Reports for Term #1 will be sent home with the Students on Jan. 28, 2025.  

*   IMPORTANT: Please refer to the HC Prep Program Website on a weekly basis for the most current up dates. The Website will be updated with all relevant Prep Program Information for the upcoming week, on Fridays.  (    

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday evening,  

             Dino Alberti

             HC Prep Program Administrator

HC Prep Parents` Update for December 6, 2024

December 5, 2024

I would like to start off by reminding our Prep Families that our last Session will be our Advent Community Mass in the Church at 7 pm on Dec. 10. Your support thus far, has been very much appreciated by the Staff and Administration. Please pay attention to the following information:

*  IMPORTANT: Please note that our next Community Prep Mass will take place on Dec. 10 at 7 pm in the Church (Prepared by the Lev. 6 Class) Family and Guests are welcome to attend. If your Child arrives late, please walk them over to the Church. 

*  Please remember to continue to drive with due care and attention in our Parking Lot, as the weather and daylight start to change for the worse. Furthermore, in an effort to enhance “Student Safety”, please make every effort to arrive at Holy Cross on Tuesday Nights by no later than 6:55 pm. A GREEN PARKING LOT SAFETY NOTICE WAS SENT HOME ON NOV.  26 AND I KINDLY ASK YOU TO READ THE NOTICE CAREFULLY AND RETURN THE FORM AT THE BOTTOM TO YOUR TEACHER BY DEC. 10, AT THE LATEST. WE ARE COUNTING ON YOUR COOPERATION TO ENHANCE THE SAFETY OF OUR STUDENTS! Thank you to those Families who read, signed and returned their Form on Dec. 3.

*   A special thank you to those Students who elected to participate in the Knights Of Columbus Annual Christmas Poster Contest. Completed Entry Forms and Posters must be returned to their Teachers on Dec. 10.     

*   Please note that the HC Prep Program will stop for Christmas Break on Dec. 10 after the Community Mass in the Church and Classes will resume again in the New Year on Jan. 14, 2024.

*   Communicating Student Learning Reports for Term #1 will be sent home with the Students on Jan. 28, 2025.  

*   IMPORTANT: Please refer to the HC Prep Program Website on a weekly basis for the most current up dates. The Website will be updated with all relevant Prep Program Information for the upcoming week, on Fridays.  (    

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday evening,  

             Dino Alberti

             HC Prep Program Administrator

Holy Cross Prep Parents Update for November 29,  2024

November 29, 2024

I would like to start off by reminding our Prep Families that the season of Advent will begin this weekend. Please do your part to help the needy, poor and homeless during this time. Please pay attention to the following information:

*  IMPORTANT: Please note that our next Community Prep Mass will take place on Dec. 10 at 7 pm in the Church (Prepared by the Lev. 6 Class) Family and Guests are welcome to attend.

*  Please remember to continue to drive with due care and attention in our Parking Lot, as the weather and daylight start to change for the worse. Furthermore, in an effort to enhance “Student Safety”, please make every effort to arrive at Holy Cross on Tuesday Nights by no later than 6:55 pm. A GREEN PARKING LOT SAFETY NOTICE WAS SENT HOME LAST TUESDAY AND I KINDLY ASK YOU TO READ THE NOTICE CAREFULLY AND RETURN THE FORM AT THE BOTTOM TO YOUR TEACHER ON DEC. 3. WE ARE COUNTING ON YOUR COOPERATION TO ENHANCE THE SAFETY OF OUR STUDENTS!

*   A special thankyou to our Lev. 3 to Lev. 7 Staff and Students, for their preparation for the Reconciliation Service on Nov. 26. Our Priests were pleased by the reverence demonstrated by our Students.   

*   Please note that the HC Prep Program will stop for Christmas Break on Dec. 10 after the Community Mass in the Church and Classes will resume again in the New Year on Jan. 14, 2024. 

*   IMPORTANT: Please refer to the HC Prep Program Website on a weekly basis for the most current up dates. The Website will be updated with all relevant Prep Program Information for the upcoming week, on Fridays.  (    

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday evening,  

             Dino Alberti

             HC Prep Program Administrator

Holy Cross Prep Parents Update for November 22,  2024

November 22, 2024

I would like to start off by reminding our Prep Families that Advent will soon be here and this is a Season for giving. Please do your part to help the needy, poor and homeless during this time. A small token of kindness, goes a long way in establishing some faith and hope for these people during the Christmas Season. Please pay attention to the following information:

*  IMPORTANT: Please note that our next Community Prep Mass will take place on Dec. 10 at 7 pm in the Church (Prepared by the Lev. 6 Class) Family and Guests are welcome to attend.

*  Please remember to continue to drive with due care and attention in our Parking Lot, as the weather and daylight start to change for the worse. Furthermore, in an effort to enhance “Student Safety”, please make every effort to arrive at Holy Cross on Tuesday Nights by no later than 6:55 pm. We like to enter all our Classes in an orderly manner and getting your Children here by 6:55 pm is most beneficial for the Staff and Students.

*   IMPORTANT: Please note that our HC Prep Lev. 3 to Lev. 7 Students will be participating in Confessions for the Advent Season on Nov. 26 @ 7 pm in the Church. All our Lev. 3 to Lev. 7 Students are expected to be in attendance on that evening. (This Confession Service is for the Students only) If your Child is in Lev. 3 to Lev. 7 and arrives late, kindly walk them over to the Church.  

*   Please note that the HC Prep Program will stop for Christmas Break on Dec. 10 after the Community Mass in the Church and Classes will resume again in the New Year on Jan. 14, 2024. 

*   IMPORTANT: Please refer to the HC Prep Program Website on a weekly basis for the most current up dates. The Website will be updated with all relevant Prep Program Information for the upcoming week, on Fridays.  (    

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday evening,  

             Dino Alberti

             HC Prep Program Administrator

Holy Cross Prep Parents Update for November 8 & 15,  2024

November 8, 2024

I would like to start off by thanking all the HC Prep Families and our Teachers for their support and dedication, thus far.  Also a special thank you to all our Lev. 2 Students, Parents & Staff for making our Annual First Communion Enrollment Mass so special on Nov. 3. It was very well attended by both the School & Prep Program Families. Please pay attention to the following information:

*  IMPORTANT: Please note that our next Community Prep Mass will take place on Dec. 10 at 7 pm in the Church (Prepared by the Lev. 6 Class) Family and Guests are welcome to attend.

*  Please remember to continue to drive with due care and attention in our Parking Lot, as the weather and daylight start to change for the worse. Furthermore, in an effort to enhance “Student Safety”, please make every effort to arrive at Holy Cross on Tuesday Nights by no later than 6:55 pm. We like to enter all our Classes in an orderly manner and getting your Children here by 6:55 pm is most beneficial for the Staff and Students.

*   IMPORTANT: Please note that our HC Prep Lev. 3 to Lev. 7 Students will be participating in Confessions for the Advent Season on Nov. 26 @ 7 pm in the Church. All our Lev. 3 to Lev. 7 Students are expected to be in attendance on that evening. (This Confession Service is for the Students only)   

*   Please note that the HC Prep Program will stop for Christmas Break on Dec. 10 after the Community Mass in the Church and Classes will resume again in the New Year on Jan. 14, 2024. 

*   IMPORTANT: Please refer to the HC Prep Program Website on a weekly basis for the most current up dates. The Website will be updated with all relevant Prep Program Information for the upcoming week, on Fridays.  (    

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday evening,  

             Dino Alberti

             HC Prep Program Administrator

HC Prep Parents` Update for November 1, 2024

October 31, 2024

I would like to start off by thanking all the HC Prep Families for their support and cooperation thus far.  Also a special thank you to all our Students & Staff for their continued dedication to our Program.  Please pay attention to the following information:

*  IMPORTANT: Please note that our next Community Prep Mass will take place on Dec. 10 at 7 pm in the Church (Prepared by the Lev. 6 Class) Family and Guests are welcome to attend.

*  Please remember to continue to drive with due care and attention in our Parking Lot, as the weather and daylight start to change for the worse. Furthermore, in an effort to enhance “Student Safety”, please make every effort to arrive at Holy Cross on Tuesday Nights by no later than 6:55 pm. We like to enter all our Classes in an orderly manner and getting your Children here by 6:55 pm is most beneficial for the Staff and Students.

*   IMPORTANT: Please note that our HC Prep Lev. 2 Communion Program “Enrollment Mass” for Students & Parents will take place at 10 am in the Church on Sunday, Nov. 3 (Kindly note that attendance at this HC Prep Liturgical Gathering is expected, as part of our Sacramental Programming) The Students are welcome to sit with their Parents in the Church where ever works best for them. Please note that the Students will be asked to come to the front for a blessing from our Priests during the Mass.   

*   Please note that the HC Prep Program will stop for Christmas Break on Dec. 10 after the Community Mass in the Church and Classes will resume again in the New Year on Jan. 14, 2024. 

*   IMPORTANT: Please refer to the HC Prep Program Website on a weekly basis for the most current up dates. The Website will be updated with all relevant Prep Program Information for the upcoming week, on Fridays.  (    

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all on Nov. 1, 2024 

             Dino Alberti

             HC Prep Program Administrator

Holy Cross Prep Parents Update for October 25, 2024

October 25, 2024

I would like to start off by thanking all the Lev. 7 Families who attended our Confirmation Program Meeting on Oct. 22.  Also a special thank you to all our Students & Staff for their dedication thus far.  Please pay attention to the following information:

*  IMPORTANT: Please note that our next Community Prep Mass will take place on Dec. 10 at 7 pm in the Church (Prepared by the Lev. 6 Class) Family and Guests are welcome to attend.

*  Please remember to continue to drive with due care and attention in our Parking Lot, as the weather and daylight start to change for the worse.

*   IMPORTANT: Please note  that our HC Prep Lev. 2 Communion Program “Enrollment Mass” for Students & Parents will take place at 10 am in the Church on Sunday, Nov. 3 (Kindly note that attendance at this HC Prep Liturgical Gathering is expected, as part of our Sacramental Programming)  

*  FINAL REMINDER: Please remember to complete & return the Parent Contact Information Slip that was sent home with your Children on Sept. 17, if you have not already done so. (This important notice was at the bottom of the Supply List Letter and is now far over-due) 

*   IMPORTANT: Please refer to the HC Prep Program Website on a weekly basis for the most current up dates. The Website will be updated with all relevant Prep Program Information for the upcoming week, on Fridays.  (    

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all on Oct. 29,2024 

             Dino Alberti

             HC Prep Program Administrator

HC Prep Parents` Update for October 18, 2024

October 18, 2024

I would like to start off by thanking all the families who attended our first HC Prep Community Mass of the year on Oct. 15. It was a wonderful liturgical celebration and the Level 7 Class and their Teachers (Rosaria Malsegna, Claire Yam and Tyler Turrin should be commended for the fine job they did in preparing the Students. Our next Prep Community Mass will take place on Dec. 10 at 7 pm and we look forward to seeing even more Families in attendance on that night..  Please pay attention to the following information:

*  IMPORTANT: Please note that our first HC Prep Level 7 Confirmation Program Meeting for Parents and Students will take place on Oct. 22 at 7pm in the Church. It is expected that as part of this Sacramental Program, at least one Parent and their Lev. 7 Child should be in attendance.

*  Please remember to continue to drive with due care and attention in our Parking Lot, as the weather and daylight start to change for the worse.

*   IMPORTANT: Please note  that our HC Prep Lev. 2 Communion Program “Enrollment Mass” for Students & Parents will take place at 10 am in the Church on Sunday, Nov. 3 (Kindly note that attendance at this HC Prep Liturgical Gathering is expected, as part of our Sacramental Programming)  

*  LAST REMINDER: Please remember to complete & return the Parent Contact Information Slip that was sent home with your Children on Sept. 17, if you have not already done so. (This important notice was at the bottom of the Supply List Letter and is now far over-due) 

*   IMPORTANT: Please refer to the HC Prep Program Website on a weekly basis for the most current up dates. The Website will be updated with all relevant Prep Program Information for the upcoming week, on Fridays.  (    

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all on Oct. 22, 

             Dino Alberti

HC Prep Program Administrator

Holy Cross Prep Parents Update for October 11, 2024

October 10, 2024

Welcome to all our Prep Families and we thank you for your support of our Program, thus far.  Please pay attention to the following information:

*  IMPORTANT: Please note that our first HC Community Prep Mass will take place on Oct. 15 at 7 pm in the Church. The Mass will be prepared and presented by the Lev. 7 Class. The Mass will be for all our Students from Lev. 1 through to Lev. 7 and Parents & Guests are welcome to attend.  Our Students will proceed into the Church from their Line-up Areas and Parents can pick-up their Children from those same areas after the Mass is completed. If your Child is a few minutes late, please make sure you bring them over to the Church where they can join their Classmates.

*  Please remember to continue to drive with due care and attention in our Parking Lot, as the weather and daylight start to change for the worse.

*   IMPORTANT: Lev. 7 Confirmation Program “Parents and Candidates Meeting” at 7 pm in the Church on Oct. 22. / Lev. 2 Communion Program “Enrollment Mass” for Students & Parents at 10 am in the Church on Nov. 3 (Kindly note that attendance at these Prep Gatherings is expected, as they are part of our Sacramental Programming)  

*   Kindly remember to complete & return the Parent Contact Information Slip that was sent home with your Children on Sept. 17. (This important notice was at the bottom of the Supply List Letter and is now far over-due) 

*   IMPORTANT: Please refer to the HC Prep Program Website on a weekly basis for the most current up dates. The Website will be updated with all relevant Prep Program Information for the upcoming week, on Fridays.  (    

             *   IMPORTANT: New Families to our Program are required to provide a Baptismal Certificate Copy with their Child`s Registration. A few new Families still have Baptismal Certificates which are outstanding and must submit a copy to                   the HC Prep Office as soon as possible. Submitting a Copy of your Child`s Baptismal Certificate is a requirement for receiving the Sacraments in the HC Prep Program.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all on Oct. 15, 

Dino Alberti

HC Prep Program Administrator

HC Prep Program Parents` Update for October 4, 2024

October 4, 2024

Welcome to all our Prep Families and we thank you for your cooperation & patience thus far.  Please pay attention to the following information:

*  Please note that HC Prep Registration is now officially closed for 2024-25. Kindly understand, that no further registrations for our Prep Program will be accepted.

*  Please note that our first HC Community Prep Mass will take place on Oct. 15 at 7 pm in the Church. The Mass will be prepared and presented by the Lev. 7 Class. The Mass will be for all our Students and Parents and Guests are welcome to attend. 

*  Please remember to continue to drive with due care and attention in our Parking Lot, as the weather and day light start to change for the worse.

*   IMPORTANT: Lev. 7 Confirmation Program “Parents and Candidates Meeting” at 7 pm in the Church on Oct. 22. / Lev. 2 Communion Program “Enrollment Mass” for Students & Parents at 10 am in the Church on Nov. 3 (Kindly note that attendance at these Prep Gatherings is expected, as they are part of our Sacramental Programming)  

*   Kindly remember to complete & return the Parent Contact Information Slip that was sent home with your Children on Sept. 17. (It was at the bottom of the Supply List Letter and is now over-due) 

*   IMPORTANT: Please refer to the HC Prep Program Website on a weekly basis for the most current up dates. The Website will be updated with all relevant Prep Program Information for the upcoming week, on Fridays.  (    

             *   IMPORTANT: New Families to our Program are required to provide a Baptismal Certificate Copy with their Child`s Registration. A few new Families still have Baptismal Certificates which are outstanding and must submit a copy to                   the HC Prep Office by Oct. 8 at the latest. Submitting a Copy of your Child`s Baptismal Certificate is a requirement for receiving the Sacraments in the HC Prep Program.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all on Oct. 8, 

Dino Alberti

HC Prep Program Administrator

Holy Cross Prep Parents Update for September 27, 2024

September 27, 2024

Welcome all our Prep Families as we look forward to our third night of Prep Classes .  Please pay attention to the following information:

*  Please note that HC Prep Registration is now officially closed for 2024-25. Kindly understand, that no further registrations for our Prep Program will be accepted.

*  Please note that our first HC Community Prep Mass will take place on Oct. 15 at 7 pm in the Church. The Mass will be prepared and presented by the Lev. 7 Class. The Mass will be for all our Students and Parents and Guests are welcome to attend. 


*   Thankyou to all the Prep Families, who attended the important Parent Information Meeting on September 17. 

*   Kindly remember to complete & return the Parent Contact Information Slip that was sent home with your Children on Sept. 17. (It was at the bottom of the Supply List Letter and is now over-due) 

*   IMPORTANT: Please refer to the HC Prep Program Website on a weekly basis for the most current up dates. The Website will be updated with all relevant Prep Program Information for the upcoming week, on Fridays.  (    

             *   IMPORTANT: New Families to our Program are required to provide a Baptismal Certificate Copy with their Child`s Registration. A few new Families still have Baptismal Certificates which are outstanding and must submit a copy to                   the HC Prep Office by Oct. 8 at the latest.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all on Oct. 1, 

Dino Alberti

HC Prep Program Administrator

Holy Cross Prep Parents Update for September 20, 2024

September 20, 2024

Welcome all our Prep Families as we look forward to our second night of Prep Classes .  Please pay attention to the following information:

*  There are still a few spots available in the HC Prep Program for 2024/25. There is a Fillable Registration Form provided on our Website ( and Registration will close on Sept. 27. Registrations can be dropped off at the Parish          Office from Mon. to Fri. from 9 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 3:45 pm.

*   Prep Classes on Tuesday, September 24 @ 7 pm will start in the Church, with a Blessing from Father Tomasz and a brief meeting with Mr. Alberti. Our Students are expected to be here at 6:55 pm for Drop-off & they should be Picked-         up at 8 pm. Our Students will be walked over to the Church from their Line-up Areas and will be led by the Teachers


*   Thankyou to all the Prep Families, who attended the important Parent Information Meeting on September 17. 

*   Kindly remember to complete & return the Parent Contact Information Slip that was sent home with your Children on Sept. 17. (It was at the bottom of the Supply List Letter) 

*   IMPORTANT: Please refer to the HC Prep Program Website on a weekly basis for the most current up dates.The Website will be updated with all relevant Prep Program Information for the upcoming week, on Fridays.  (    

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all on Sept. 24,

Dino Alberti

HC Prep Program Administrator

Holy Cross Prep Parents Update for September 13, 2024

September 13, 2024

Welcome back to all our Prep Families as we look forward to our first Prep Classes coming up on Tuesday (Sept. 17) at Holy Cross Parish.  Please pay attention to the following information:

*  There are still a few spots available in the HC Prep Program for 2024/25. There is a Fillable Registration Form provided on our Website ( and Registration will close on Sept. 27. Registrations can be dropped off at the Parish Office from Mon. to Fri. from 9 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 3:45 pm.

*   Prep Classes are starting on Tuesday, September 17 @ 7 pm. (The Students are only expected to bring a Pen or Pencil with them on the first night  because a Supply List will be given to them this evening.) Our Students are expected to be here at 6:55 pm for Drop-off & they should be Picked-up at 8 pm. Our Students should be walked to their Line-up areas to ensure their safety and we will be using the same “Line-up Spots” as last year: 

     Lev. 1 & Lev. 2 by the Side entrance to the Church in the Front Parking Lot / Lev. 3, Lev. 4 & Lev. 5 in the Gym / Lev. 6 & Lev. 7 under the covered area in the Back Parking Lot. PLEASE DRIVE WITH DUE CARE AND ATTENTION IN OUR PARKING LOT DURING PICK-UP & DROP-OFF TIMES

*   There will an IMPORTANT PARENTS MEETING on Sept. 17 at 7:05 to 7:55 pm in the Church (At least ONE PARENT from each family is expected to attend)

*   IMPORTANT: Please refer to the HC Prep Program Website on a weekly basis for the most current up dates.The Website will be updated with all relevant Prep Program Information for the upcoming week, on Fridays.  ( Kindly note that going forward, I will not be sending individual weekly emails to Prep Families, the Parents will be expected to go to the HC Prep Website on Friday Evenings for that Parent Update.  

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all with great anticipation on Tuesday Evening,

Dino Alberti

HC Prep Program Administrator

HC PREP Parents Update – September 4, 2024

September 4, 2024

Welcome back to all our Prep Families as we embark on another year of Religious Education at Holy Cross Parish.  Please pay attention to the following information:

*  There are still a few spots available in the HC Prep Program for 2024/25. There is a Fillable Registration Form provided on our Website ( and Registration will close on Sept. 27. Registrations can be dropped off at the Parish          Office from Mon. to Fri. from 9 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 3:45 pm.

*   Prep Classes officially start on Tuesday, September 17 @ 7 pm. Our Students are expected to be here at 6:55 pm for Drop-off & they should be Picked-up at 8 pm. Our Students should be walked to their Line-up areas (same as last year) 

*     Lev. 1 & Lev. 2 by the Side entrance to the Church in the Front Parking Lot / Lev. 3, Lev. 4 & Lev. 5 in the Gym / Lev. 6 & Lev. 7 under the covered area in the Back Parking Lot. PLEASE DRIVE WITH DUE CARE AND ATTENTION       IN OUR PARKING LOT DURING PICK-UP & DROP-OFF TIMES

*   There will an IMPORTANT PARENTS MEETING on Sept. 17 at 7:05 to 7:55 pm in the Church (At least one parent from each family is expected to attend)

*   IMPORTANT: Please refer to the HC Prep Program Website on a weekly basis for the most current up dates.The Website will be updated with all relevant Prep Program Information for the upcoming week, on Fridays.  (    

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all with great anticipation on Sept. 17,

Dino Alberti

HC Prep Program Administrator

HC PREP Parents Update – May 24, 2024

May 24, 2024

I would like to start off by thanking all our Prep Families for their genuine support throughout the year by reminding all our Lev. 1 to 6 Families to please remember to Register for next year. (Early Bird Registration Rates end on June 3)  Please pay attention to the following important information:

  • HC Prep ends on May 21 and will start-up again on September 17, 2024 at 7 pm
  • All Student Reports and Lev. 2 and Lev. 7 Sacramental Photos & Certificates went home with the Students on May 21st . Any documents that are not picked up by the Students on May 21, will be placed in the Parish Office and can be picked up from there.) 
  • HC Prep Registration for the 2024 – 2025 Year is now open and the Early Bird Rate will end on June 3. (THE FILLABLE REGISTRATION FORM IS POSTED ON THE WEBSITE & HARD COPIES WERE HANDED OUT ON MAY 21.) Registration at the Parish Office will be open until June 26 and will  re-open again on September 3 for the remaining spots. (Office hours: 9 am to 12 Noon & 1 to 3:45 pm from Monday to Friday)
  • On Sunday, June 2 at 2:30pm any Lev. 2 Students who received First Communion this year are welcome to join our Annual Eucharistic Procession at Holy Cross Parish. If you are interested in participating, please arrive by 2:20pm. Parents or Family members will also process with their children.

Looking forward to seeing you all again on Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Dino Alberti